Sunday, November 26, 2006

Still working hard

It seems like when you move it takes FOREVER to get out from under all the boxes. We have been trying to unpack slowly but surely. I have to get our Christmas decorations up now too, I have always been one to get them up right after Thanksgiving so that I can enjoy them as long as possible, I also don't take them down until New Years Day.
So here it is 6:00 PM my family just sat down to eat after that we are putting up the tree and all the other decorations (I don't even have pictures on the walls yet either lol) then I have to get the kids rooms finished so that they can start back to school tomorrow. We are so far behind on school this year because we have taken a few days off here and there we are going to have to work extra hard so that they can finish before summer!
So instead of working I am sitting here writing in my blog, oh yeah I also went shopping today for a few hours lol anything to avoid the inevitable work! lol

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